(function ($) { /** * Attaches sticky table headers. */ Drupal.behaviors.tableHeader = { attach: function (context, settings) { if (!$.support.positionFixed) { return; } $('table.sticky-enabled', context).once('tableheader', function () { $(this).data("drupal-tableheader", new Drupal.tableHeader(this)); }); } }; /** * Constructor for the tableHeader object. Provides sticky table headers. * * @param table * DOM object for the table to add a sticky header to. */ Drupal.tableHeader = function (table) { var self = this; this.originalTable = $(table); this.originalHeader = $(table).children('thead'); this.originalHeaderCells = this.originalHeader.find('> tr > th'); this.displayWeight = null; // React to columns change to avoid making checks in the scroll callback. this.originalTable.bind('columnschange', function (e, display) { // This will force header size to be calculated on scroll. self.widthCalculated = (self.displayWeight !== null && self.displayWeight === display); self.displayWeight = display; }); // Clone the table header so it inherits original jQuery properties. Hide // the table to avoid a flash of the header clone upon page load. this.stickyTable = $('<table class="sticky-header"/>') .insertBefore(this.originalTable) .css({ position: 'fixed', top: '0px' }); this.stickyHeader = this.originalHeader.clone(true) .hide() .appendTo(this.stickyTable); this.stickyHeaderCells = this.stickyHeader.find('> tr > th'); this.originalTable.addClass('sticky-table'); $(window) .bind('scroll.drupal-tableheader', $.proxy(this, 'eventhandlerRecalculateStickyHeader')) .bind('resize.drupal-tableheader', { calculateWidth: true }, $.proxy(this, 'eventhandlerRecalculateStickyHeader')) // Make sure the anchor being scrolled into view is not hidden beneath the // sticky table header. Adjust the scrollTop if it does. .bind('drupalDisplaceAnchor.drupal-tableheader', function () { window.scrollBy(0, -self.stickyTable.outerHeight()); }) // Make sure the element being focused is not hidden beneath the sticky // table header. Adjust the scrollTop if it does. .bind('drupalDisplaceFocus.drupal-tableheader', function (event) { if (self.stickyVisible && event.clientY < (self.stickyOffsetTop + self.stickyTable.outerHeight()) && event.$target.closest('sticky-header').length === 0) { window.scrollBy(0, -self.stickyTable.outerHeight()); } }) .triggerHandler('resize.drupal-tableheader'); // We hid the header to avoid it showing up erroneously on page load; // we need to unhide it now so that it will show up when expected. this.stickyHeader.show(); }; /** * Event handler: recalculates position of the sticky table header. * * @param event * Event being triggered. */ Drupal.tableHeader.prototype.eventhandlerRecalculateStickyHeader = function (event) { var self = this; var calculateWidth = event.data && event.data.calculateWidth; // Reset top position of sticky table headers to the current top offset. this.stickyOffsetTop = Drupal.settings.tableHeaderOffset ? eval(Drupal.settings.tableHeaderOffset + '()') : 0; this.stickyTable.css('top', this.stickyOffsetTop + 'px'); // Save positioning data. var viewHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight; if (calculateWidth || this.viewHeight !== viewHeight) { this.viewHeight = viewHeight; this.vPosition = this.originalTable.offset().top - 4 - this.stickyOffsetTop; this.hPosition = this.originalTable.offset().left; this.vLength = this.originalTable[0].clientHeight - 100; calculateWidth = true; } // Track horizontal positioning relative to the viewport and set visibility. var hScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; var vOffset = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - this.vPosition; this.stickyVisible = vOffset > 0 && vOffset < this.vLength; this.stickyTable.css({ left: (-hScroll + this.hPosition) + 'px', visibility: this.stickyVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }); // Only perform expensive calculations if the sticky header is actually // visible or when forced. if (this.stickyVisible && (calculateWidth || !this.widthCalculated)) { this.widthCalculated = true; var $that = null; var $stickyCell = null; var display = null; var cellWidth = null; // Resize header and its cell widths. // Only apply width to visible table cells. This prevents the header from // displaying incorrectly when the sticky header is no longer visible. for (var i = 0, il = this.originalHeaderCells.length; i < il; i += 1) { $that = $(this.originalHeaderCells[i]); $stickyCell = this.stickyHeaderCells.eq($that.index()); display = $that.css('display'); if (display !== 'none') { cellWidth = $that.css('width'); // Exception for IE7. if (cellWidth === 'auto') { cellWidth = $that[0].clientWidth + 'px'; } $stickyCell.css({'width': cellWidth, 'display': display}); } else { $stickyCell.css('display', 'none'); } } this.stickyTable.css('width', this.originalTable.outerWidth()); } }; })(jQuery);